lunes, 9 de julio de 2012



  • 1999-2002: Advertising graphic art and design technician.
  • 2002-2004: Professional Illustrator.


  • Price on the Open Air Painting Contest of the P. de Trives City Council.
  • Working with the "Begi Bistan" studio on the design, layout and animation of the didactic units "Calidad de aguas / uren kalitatea" for the Basque Country Government and Ceida.

  • Price on the Open Air Painting Contest of the P. de Trives City Council.
  • Collaboration as illustrator with the magazine "Uribe Kosta Aldizkaria. UK": Photo manipulation and illustrations.
  • Working with the "Begi Bistan" studio on the design, layout and animation of the didactic units "Lur eta ingurumena" for the Basque Country Government and Ceida.
  • Working with the "Hito" studio and Jose Maria Sanchez (Professor of design at the UPV Leioa (university of basque country)) on some project models 3D preview.

  • Design of Corporate image, website and CD booklet of various music bands: Ezkoi, Noitebregos, etc.
  • Starts working for the "Begi Bistan" studio working on design, illustration and animation for different companies (including the making of Interactive CDs, websites, booklets, editorial releases, etc.).

  • Working with the "Hito" studio and the Abantociervana City Council designing the presentation & 3D preview of the City Council's new image and its 3 possible remodeling phases.
  • Design of different cd covers, t-shirts and posters for music bands.
  • Keep working for the "Begi Bistan" studio.

  • Design and maintenance of the international heavy metal band Flyin' Freak's website.
  • Keep working for the "Begi Bistan" studio.

  • Keeps working for the "Begi Bistan" studio.
  • Design & manteinance of the professional photographer David Custodio's website.
  • Making of the A-68 Highway's 2006-2007 corporate memory.
  • Making of the "BBK"'s point booklet.
  • Making of the "Aceite Bonarbe" bottle's sticker and corporative image.
  • Starts working for the "Vocento" team (CM Norte) as graphic designer. Including: design, photo manipulation, web design, etc... for the "El Correo" newspaper.

  • Starts working for "Custodio Fotografia" as lead desginer. Including graphic design, photo manipulation and beeing an art director for photo shoots. (

  • Making of the Corporate image of the "festival internacional de cine de montaña MENDI" (international mountain film festival).
  • Design of different cd covers, t-shirts and poster for music bands.

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